From the very beginning of the New Testament Church, fellowship among believers has been a crucial part of what it means to be a Christian. In Acts chapter 2 we read that those who gladly received the word preached by Peter “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (verse 42). We might define Christian fellowship as walking together, shoulder to shoulder, with people in this life so we can spur one another on to the next life. And this is necessary, because this life is not easy on our own. We need each other.

At Northland Reformed Church we not only desire to grow individually in our love for Christ and His Word but also communally in our love and support for one another. We understand that as brothers and sisters in Christ we must spend time together in order to truly grow together.

Opportunities for Fellowship @ Northland

  • Lord’s Supper Fellowship — On the second Sunday of each month we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) during the morning worship service. After the service, we gather together to share a meal and a time of fellowship.

  • Men's Fellowship — The men of Northland regularly meet every two weeks for breakfast, study and prayer.

  • Ladies’ Fellowship — Four to six times a year the ladies of Northland will have a Ladies Night Out.

  • Small Group Fellowship — Throughout the year various groups meet in the homes of our members for Bible/book studies.

  • Friday Night Fellowship — From September to May we gather at the church every other Friday Night for dinner. After dinner we have a short lesson or spend time enjoying one another’s company.

  • Prayer Fellowship — Each month we meet as a church for a time of prayer for the needs of our congregation, the broader church, mission works, our country and our world.